CamPro 223 55 GR FMJ Bullets 1000 Box
(1 reviews)  

Our price: CA$132.99

Weight8.00 lbs

CamPro 223 55 GR FMJ Bullets 1000 Box

CAMPRO bullets offer one of the highest quality and value on the market. You now have the opportunity to use the same quality during competitions and while you practice.

Fast Toys is pleased to ship the Campro line all over Canada.


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CamPro Canada Bullets

Campro Rifle Bullets

CamPro is now offering 223 55 GR FMJ rifle bullets that feature the same quality that CamPro is already known for. These bullets have a full metal jacket and a lead core.

The CamPro Quality : When Precision Matters
Year after year, CamPro projectiles acquired an excellent reputation among shooters from all around Canada. A combination of several parameters explains the reasons as to why our copper plated bullets are so valued and appreciated. We suggest you read the following to see what characterizes copper plated projectiles and above all what makes ours the best!

Price per 1000 bullets. This is NOT loaded ammunition

Try them and judge for yourself !

Shoot Straight with CamPro !

Made in Canada!



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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
Daniel Coulombe
Jul 9, 2018
i use to shoot bulk hornady 55gn .224 diam but w/ the commercial war comming between canada and USA i decide to go w/ non american composante in my .223 ammo. so far i made one test fire a 300 meteres 40rds and i saw no diffences between those can pro and my old hornady load and the can pro are made here and cheaper

Advantages: made here and cheaper and probably a more secure supply on long terme

Disadvantages: none
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